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You get stuck in wanting to know you hurt the narcissist as much as they hurt you. I don’t know because I don’t care and frankly neither should you! This is where a lot of people kinda derail on their road to healing.

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I swear I’m not being a smart ass with this next part but if you’ve read anything I’ve wrote y’all know I just say it so keep reading…. But to be totally transparent here, I don’t know! Your leaving is only met with anger I’m sure and the narcissist is likely smearing your name from here to kingdom come. The narcissist only sees your leaving as an insult to them. I’m proud of YOU for understanding you deserve better, for taking those hard steps on the road to recovery, for understanding the narcissist to be nothing but an alien “parasite” capable of destroying everything they touch. The parasite didn’t see your worth while they had you so they certainly are not going to go out of their way to try and understand or value you now. (59 People Likes) How does a narcissist feel when his/her prior victim understands their self worth and realizes the narcissist absolutely has no value and is nothing more than a parasite?

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